Tag punk

Mike James and Sven Laarson

Mike & Sven empty their heavy sacs of hot boy jizz!…… Staxus says: You could be forgiven for not recognising young Mike James in this horny little escapade with Sven Laarson, given that the lad has grown his hair and…

Jace Reed and Johny Cruz

Two horny young devils bareback big dick fuckers!…… Staxus says: Learning the local language or at least learning certain important phrases is a very useful thing to do when planning a visit to a foreign country, as TV presenters Johny…

Carl Bodman and Sven Laarson

Nude young guys Carl and Sven fucking hard!…… Staxus says: His folks out in the country think he’s a straight-laced, orthodox character, but clearly they have no idea what young Carl Bodman’s like when he’s alone at his apartment in…